Hochebenkofel, 2905 m

Long way to the top

  • Start: Hotel Alpenblick
  • Train/bus: Bus Sexten- Innichen-Toblach, Bus Toblach- Misurina- Drei Zinnen;
  • Time of walk: rise 5h, descent 3h; total 8h
  • Huts: No huts on the way
  • Map: KOMPASS no 625

The view from the Höhlenstein valley up to the sheer, almost sky-high rocky precipices of the Hochebenkofel and the Birkenkofel (2,922 m) hardly gives you an idea that any hiker with stamina and a good deal of tread can be confident enough to climb the Hochebenkofel. The path to the high summit is long, 1,600 metres in altitude are no mean feat, and a rocky ascent above the Lückele has to be negotiated, but in the end - what a surprise! - it's almost "flat" over the mighty broad ridge to the highest point with the big panorama. Start from the hotel by car or public bus in the direction of Dobbiaco and from there continue via the Höhlensteintal valley (in the direction of Cortina) to the car park after the gravel works (5.5km from the Dobbiaco Saddle). From the car park ( 1,306 m) on the "Strada d' Alemagna", the trail leads past beautiful waterfalls into the wild Möselegraben. Cross the stream twice, then zigzag steeply up the wooded slope on the right. At the shoulder (1,829 m), the path changes to the ditch below the Schafalm (somewhat exposed band). At the back of the Kreuzstöcke, the path leads to the undulating alpine pastures; behind a rocky ridge, the long Mitteralpsee (2,222 m) lies somewhat hidden in a hollow. The lake remains on the right; the trail climbs in switchbacks over the scree slope up to the Lückele ( 2,545 m). From the saddle, markings lead you to the left onto a comfortable band (wire ropes). It leads into a shallow gully; climb through it and gain the ridge. Follow the ridge, avoiding rocky outcrops, and finally walk without a path over the broad ridge to the highest point. Descent via the same path or from the Lückele into the Innnerfeldtal.


Elevation profile

Compass map

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